Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my recording after you've burned my discs?

After 90 days I delete it.

Can I get more copies later on?

Yes, before I delete it after 90 days. Extra copies of a CD… $15. Extra copies of a DVD… $20. (Plus postage)

How much editing do you do?

I remove long periods of silence in an audio recording. Volume balancing and noise removal as needed. I also edit out awkward video footage.

Can someone else get my recording?

No. Only you. This is for confidentiality and privacy.

What if someone else wants a copy?

You can purchase as many copies as you wish and give them to others. This is also for confidentiality and privacy.

If I send you a photo can you print it on my discs?


Can I choose things to share that are not on the list you send me?

Of course. You can talk about anything you like.

If I choose to do it myself, how long can I use the recorder?

Around two weeks.

I have questions about Zoom Video Conferencing. How does it work?

Zoom is easy to use. You will receive an invitation by email to join my meeting at a time we choose. Paste the url in the email into your web browser address bar. We will then be connected very shortly. For more details go to and click FAQ.

What equipment do I need for Zoom?

If you use a desktop computer it will need a usb webcam. It will have a built in microphone. Most laptops and tablets have cameras too. As do smart phones. Zoom has apps for all.

Can I ask you to edit out a specific part of our interview?
Yes. You will have to be as specific as you can regarding where the footage is located. How many minutes into the interview? How much to remove?
Is there an extra charge for doing that?
If I stumble or make mistakes using the audio recorder should I erase the recording?
No. Don’t try to erase anything. I will do that for you.
A tip to make it simple
Once you recognize that you need to re-state something, say something like “Aron, I want to address that question about —— again.” Doing so will make it easier for me. If you use the DIY audio recorder, return it with your desired edits written clearly so I understand exactly what to do.
Can you send a copy to someone?
With your permission yes.
If I want an audio verbal history, should I schedule a live interview with Aron or chose the DIY method?
Both have their benefits. Interviews can be lively and even humorous at times. Spontaneous details always come out making your story rich and informative.On the other hand, with two weeks to use the recorder, take it at your own pace. You can re-do certain parts if you stumble a bit. Ask a close friend or relative to ask the questions.
If I use my own recording device - audio or video - can I send the recording to you to so I get a printed CD or DVD?
Most likely yes. But call me first 406-838-6447.
What if my family wants to add pictures, can they be added?
Yes but remember that the printable area on a disc is small.
How long does the process take?
In about a week after our interview, or after I receive the audio recorder back from you, your disc will be ready and sent to you by USPS.
Can I chose things to share that are not on the list you sent?
Of course. You can talk about anything you want. I suggest that you ask your family too. They might want to hear about certain events as you remember them.
Is there more than one kind of Verbal History?
Yes. Imagine recording yourself for a specific purpose.